
Ho Chi Minh city weather by month:

Weather in Ho Chi Minh city “Ho Chi Minh”- city in January


In January, this large city often enjoys 5 hours of sunshine per day. There are also 2 days of rain. The average temperatures are between 22oC and 33oC, the minimum at 14oC and the maximum at 36oC. It is often cloudy.

Taking into account these climatic elements, we find that it is an ideal destination to travel to in January.

Ho Chi Minh city Weather in February


In this month, Ho Chi Minh city enjoys 6 hours of sunshine per day and 1 rainy day. It is still the dry season but the sky is a bit cloudy. The average temperatures are between 23oC and 34oC, the minimum at 16oC and the maximum at 40oC. So this big city is a recommended destination for a trip in February.

Ho Chi Minh city in March


In this month, 5 hours of sunshine is what Ho Chi Minh enjoys per day. Only 2 days of rain for this month. The average temperatures are between 24oC and 35oC, the minimum at 18oC and the maximum at 38oC. So it’s a recommended destination for a trip in March.

Ho Chi Minh city in April


With approximately 6 hours of sunshine per day and 4 rainy days in April, Ho Chi Minh City is still in the dry season. The average temperatures are between 25oC and 36oC but depending on the year, the minimum is at 20oC and the maximum at 41oC. In terms of tourism, based on these climatic elements, Ho Chi Minh City is a good destination in April.

Ho Chi Minh city in May


In May, this bustling city enjoys around 4 hours of sunshine per day and 16 days of rain. It is the beginning of the rainy season in the south. The average temperatures are between 25oC and 34oC, the minimum at 21oC and the maximum at 38oC. It is better that you bring sun protection. Many travelers have confided to having been inconvenienced by the heat and by the showers in this city. So, it’s not a recommended destination for the trip in May.

Ho Chi Minh City in June


In June, this city usually enjoys 4 hours of sunshine per day and 21 rainy days. You are advised not to forget your protective clothing against the rain and even against the sun. The average temperatures are between 25oC and 33oC, the minimum at 21oC and the maximum at 39oC. It is often cloudy. So it’s not a very correct destination for the trip in June.

In July


This month, Ho Chi Minh city enjoys low sunshine, only about 4 hours a day and the number of rainy days increased to 23. The average temperatures are between 25oC and 32oC, the minimum at 19oC and the maximum at 33oC. In short, this big city is not a favorable destination for travel in July.

Ho Chi Minh city in august


In August, this great city usually enjoys around 5 hours of sunshine per day and 21 rainy days. The average temperatures are between 25oC and 32oC, depending on the year, the minimum at 20oC and the maximum at 36oC. Many travelers felt inconvenienced by the heat and showers in Ho Chi Minh City. This destination is not recommended for travel in August.

Ho Chi Minh city in September


During this month, Ho Chi Minh City often enjoys 5 hours of sunshine per day and 21 rainy days. It is always the rainy season, there are often showers, the humidity sometimes reaches up to 95%, the precipitation is 334 mm. Therefore, Ho Chi Minh City is not a recommended destination in September.

Ho Chi Minh city weather in October


In this month, Ho Chi Minh City enjoys about 4 hours of sunshine per day and 20 rainy days. It is partly cloudy, the average temperatures are between 24oC and 32oC, the minimum at 20oC and the maximum at 35oC. There is no winter in the south. This is why, for tourism, Ho Chi Minh City is not a recommended destination in October.

In November


In November, this bustling city enjoys around 4 hours a day with 11 rainy days. It is often cloudy, the average temperatures are between 24oC and 32oC, the minimum at 18oC and the maximum at 34oC.

Based on these climatic data, it is concluded that Ho Chi Minh City is a great destination for travel in November.

In December


With only 4 hours of sunshine per day and 7 days of rain in December, Ho Chi Minh City enjoys average temperatures between 23oC and 32oC. But depending on the year, the minimum temperature can drop to 14oC and the maximum rises to 37oC. So, it is a recommended destination in December.