Published by L’école des rizières
Travel 2019: Chapter 12 – Meeting with Mr. Vang A Nhi
The second family we visited was Mr. Vang A Nhi’s family

Mr Vang is a fatigued man with health problems.
His rice field produces only a third of his household’s food needs, so his family is surviving, more than living.

Mr. Vang has often asked the local authorities, the commune mayor and the village chief for help, but no one has heard his appeal.
When they met, Mr. Vang told Bau that it took him many years to save 400,000 VND (15€), but that with this small budget, no project to rehouse his family could be envisaged.
So, through his association Horizon-Vietnam, Bau offered him VND20,000,000 (€770) to build the house of his dreams.
He signed a contract and received half of the budget (385€).

When we met him a few weeks later, Mr. Vang had dismantled his old house and the construction of the new one had begun.
While waiting to be relocated, the couple and their three children lived under a simple tarp on the building site.

After a few weeks of work, the new house is now finished.