A travel medicine kit is one of the necessary and important things for travelers to relieve major or minor ailments during their stay. So, in order not to find yourself helpless, it is better to think about what you can put in your travel medicine kit.
Travel first aid kit
Here is our brief information, to be adapted to each case, depending on your destination, your health and the conditions of your stay, even the age of the children.
What essential content?
Generally, a travel medicine kit includes:
– An antiseptic: in unit doses or in the form of a spray, but a product that does not sting for children. You should note that an antiseptic is not sufficient for wounds. In this case, cleaning the wound with soap and water is imperative.
– Sterile cotton compresses, small or large dressings, especially hydrocolloid ones which accelerate healing well.
– Medicines for pain, fever or diarrhoea.
– Soothing cream against blows, in case of bruises or bumps.
– A pair of tweezers
– Essential oil or mosquito repellent; ointment against itching.
– Cream against burns, such as Biafine® for example
– Solar cream.
In case of particular sensitivities
Be sure to take your usual treatment with you in case you have a tendency to rhinitis or allergies: eye drops for conjunctivitis, antacid and gastric dressings for difficult digestion. If possible and more reassuring, consult your pharmacist for motion sickness.
In case of follow-up treatment
You are advised to take all medications in sufficient quantities for your entire stay. To do this, consult your doctor before leaving, he can give you a prescription or write down the names of your medicines in common international names. It’s best to put your travel medicine kit in your carry-on, especially on a plane.
– In any case, it should be noted that your travel medicine kit should be practical and easy to use.
– You must be familiar with the contents of the kit and the expiry dates of each product and medication.
– The kit should be kept away from heat, light and humidity.
– Each time you start the medicines or products, they should not be kept for too long. Pods and single-use bottles can be discarded as soon as the first use is finished.