Vietnamese cuisine

Vietnamese cuisine is recognized as one of the most refined and elaborate all over the world.

Like any gastronomy in the world, Vietnamese cuisine is a culture that makes the most of its natural environment. It will not be a surprise to learn that this one revolves mainly around rice!

We dedicate an entire section about Vietnamese culinary art. We regularly upload new articles to feed this insatiable topic!

If you want to prepare Vietnamese dishes on your own, check out our explainer videos. You will be able to make delicious dishes while having fun. Follow the link!

In this series of articles, we tell you about famous dishes in Vietnam, but also about the habits of Vietnamese to feed themselves. You will see that the Vietnamese are used to eating several snacks during the day. Not big meals. It feels like they eat all the time. This is not far from being a reality!

But the secret of their thin size lies in the quality of the food rather light in fatty substances.

Vietnam is fortunate to have many fresh fruits throughout the year. Indeed fruits are an essential part of the Vietnamese daily diet.

We hope this selection of mouth-watering items makes you want to taste Vietnamese cuisine!

Vietnamese Salad

Vietnamese salad is a dish that represents all the beauties of its gastronomy. Being the…

Vietnamese chopsticks

What are Vietnamese chopsticks? Traditionally, Vietnamese people use only one utensil for eating: chopsticks. Using…

Vietnamese rice

Being the 3rd  country of rice export in the world, Vietnamese rice certainly occupies an…

Vietnamese soup

Vietnamese soup or “Phở” in the local language is one of only three Vietnamese words…