Due to its geographical location and tropical climate, Vietnam offers a fauna and flora very different from France. Among the wonders that Mother Nature provides us, Horizon Vietnam Travel presents the 10 exotic fruits of Vietnam. The Vietnamese people regularly grow and consume these fruits which provide them with sweet flavours and good health.
We advise you to experiment at least once with the tasting of each fruit during your stay in Vietnam. The Mekong Delta region is particularly rich in fruit throughout the year!
Here are the characteristics of the 10 exotic fruits of Vietnam!
The fruit of jackfruit, “quả mít” in Vietnamese

Jackfruit grows in tropical areas of Southeast Asia but also in parts of Brazil and Africa.
Jackfruit is the tree that produces the “jackfruit”, this tree is usually 10 to 15 meters high.
It usually weighs several kilos. The fruit has a leathery, thick skin, consisting of greenish conical protuberances that become yellowish when ripe.
The size of the jackfruit can be really impressive! (it can weigh more than 20 kg)
This fruit is acclaimed by vegans or vegetarians. Indeed, although it is technically a fruit, its consistency is similar to that of chicken or pork and provides essential proteins in the regular diet.
In addition, unlike animal sources of protein, jackfruit contains no saturated fat or cholesterol and is low in calories. In addition, jackfruit contains 3 grams of fiber per serving, as well as potassium, heart-healthy nutrients that many of us don’t get enough of.
The flesh of the Jackfruit is stringy and yellow-orange in color, it is almost crunchy, juicy, fragrant and dotted with brown oval seeds, toxic when it is raw. These seeds, once roasted, become edible and taste like a chestnut.

Regarding the taste of the fruit, it is quite neutral when it is young, and becomes more and more sweet as it matures, close to pineapple or mango.
For a novice, it is quite complicated to prepare the fruit for tasting, but you will have no trouble finding someone to help you!
Consumption of jackfruit is recommended to maintain your good health!
Jackfruit can be found all year round in Vietnam.
The Lychee
Surely one of the most famous exotic fruits in the West. Who has never tried the famous lychee offered for dessert at an Asian restaurant in France? We confirm, this is not the best way to taste this fruit that will probably have traveled too much, or worse will have been canned!
Lychee is a fruit that comes in the form of a bunch like grapes. Also called lychee nuts, the fruit is composed of three layers: the reddish husk, the white flesh and the brown seed. Although the exterior looks tough and resistant, it is very easy to remove using only your fingers. This will reveal a white interior with a bright shine and firm, grape-like texture.

The flavor of lychee fruit is described in different ways. Some say that its taste is between a strawberry and a watermelon, while others taste a citrus mixture or a floral note, because of the sweet aroma of the fruit.
Lychee is a very good source of B vitamins such as thiamine, niacin and folate. These vitamins are essential because they work to help the body assimilate carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Above all, the consumption is refreshing and pleasant, the Vietnamese particularly appreciate this dish in summer when it is hot!
Summer is probably the season when we find the most fruits in Vietnam: mango, pineapple, plum, longan, watermelon… It is therefore logical that you will find lychees more easily in summer. However in the south of Vietnam, as it is always quite hot, these grow throughout the year.
One of Vietnam’s 10 must-have fruits is carambola. The carambola is a fruit that has the shape of a five-pointed star, because of its shape it is also called the star fruit.
The skin is edible and the flesh has a sweet, sour flavor that makes it popular in a number of dishes.

The carambola is yellow or green in color. It comes in two main types: a smaller, sour variety and a larger, sweeter one. Carambola contains several nutrients of interest to health, especially fiber and vitamin C. Be careful, however, the consumption of carambola can cause side effects for some people, mainly due to its high oxalate content.
Therefore, people with kidney problems should avoid carambola and its juice – or consult a doctor before trying it.
This fruit can be a little difficult to understand and we wonder how to eat it! so here are some preparation tips:
First of all, make sure it is ripe – a ripe carambola should be mainly yellow with only hints of green.
Rinse the fruit under water.
Cut off the ends.
Slice it.
Remove the seeds and enjoy.
Carambola is harvested from May to September, so it is at this season that you will easily find it.
Among the 10 must-have fruits of Vietnam, here is another wonderful one! Mangosteen grows on a beautiful tropical tree native to Southeast Asia. Its fruit is round in shape, it is protected by a thick purple bark that is easy to remove. Inside we find the fruit that separates into quarters, a bit like a tangerine.

Mangosteen is highly valued for its juicy and delicate texture, its flavor is sparkling and excites the taste buds. It is usually eaten fresh, canned or dried.
It should also be noted that the plant can be used locally in traditional medicine and would be useful in alternative treatment against cancer, however clinical studies in humans are lacking.
Mangosteen is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins. Antioxidants protect the body from various diseases, ranging from colds and flu, to cancer risk and heart disorders.
Weight loss!
Mangosteen can also help you lose weight! The fruit is rather low in calories, 63 calories per 100 grams, it contains no saturated fat and does not contain cholesterol. In addition, it is rich in dietary fiber. It must be said that this is also true for all the fruits mentioned in this article, of course, we get fat less by eating fruit than by feeding on sautéed potatoes! a balanced diet is always the key to a fine line, like the Vietnamese.
The rambutan is from the Lytchee family, the main difference is that its shell is hairy! Its original appearance is often compared to that of a sea urchin, except that the rambutan does not sting!

It grows in a tree that can reach up to 27 meters in height and grows best in tropical climates.
The fruit once stripped of its shell has an appearance similar to the Litchi. Its translucent white flesh has a sweet but creamy taste and contains a seed in the middle.

Rambutan is highly nutritious and can offer health benefits ranging from weight loss and better digestion to increased resistance to infections. Indeed, the rambutan fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, such as vitamin C.
Rambutan can also contribute to healthy digestion due to its fiber content.
To enjoy a rambutan, make sure that the fruit is ripe, look at the color of its cobs. The redder they are, the more ripe the fruit will be.
You need to remove the skin before eating it. To do this, cut the middle of the outer skin with a knife, and then squeeze opposite sides of the cut. White fruits should come out easily!
The Durian
Here is a known fruit, mainly for its unpleasant smell, it can be controversial and is certainly not appreciated by all!
First of all let’s talk about its shape and imposing weight, the durian can weigh up to more than 5 kilos, its shape and round or oval with a circumference that can exceed 30 centimeters. Its hull has multiple protrusions in the form of spades.
On the smell side, it is not pleasant, Durians have a strong unpleasant smell that permeates the outer shell and persists long after the fruit has been removed. This fruit is particularly forbidden on planes because of its smell.
Once the shape and smell can be engaging, durian is extremely healthy, even more so than many other fruits. Naturally rich in iron, vitamin C and potassium, durian improves muscle strength, skin health and even lowers blood pressure. In addition, a small durian contains 23 g of dietary fibre, which is almost all of your daily nutritional needs.
The fruit changes considerably over a very short period of time. When harvested early, it is almost considered a vegetable because its flesh is hard, easy to handle and bitter rather than sweet. People who like to eat durian usually prefer the fruits to be very ripe, while the citrus and sweet flavours are much more prominent. Traditionally, durians are eaten after falling to the ground on their own, however, durian farms often harvest the fruits earlier in order to ship them abroad.
The taste of Durian…
Describing the taste and smell of durian is virtually impossible for someone who has never experienced its unique taste and smell… so if you are adventurous and you can overcome the smell, we will offer you to try this original fruit!
To eat The Durian, it takes a special technique is quite complicated. It is necessary to cut the large fruit in half, separate the skin, extract the fruit and remove the pits. So we advise you to ask someone to help you if you want to try.
Dragon fruit
Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit that has become increasingly popular in recent years.
It is now one of the 10 must-have fruits of Vietnam to taste during your trip! It has a pleasant and dynamic appearance, with bright pink colors and locks such as the flames of fire!
Inside, there is a soft and fresh white or pink flesh with small seeds that can be eaten.
Depending on the fruit we can blame it for the lack of taste, but it is always pleasant and refreshing to eat. This can be reminiscent of white melons in terms of taste experience.
Although people appreciate it primarily for its unique look and taste, evidence suggests that it may offer notable health benefits. Dragon fruit contains several antioxidants that protect your cells from the damage of aging.
Preparation of dragon fruit
Although it may seem intimidating, dragon fruit is very easy to eat. Here’s how to eat dragon fruit:
Select a ripe fruit with a bright pink and colored skin .
Use a sharp knife and cut the fruit directly by cutting it in half.
You can use a spoon to eat the fruit of the skin or peel the skin and cut the flesh into small pieces.
Passion fruit
Here is another fruit whose name makes reason the exotic and the tropics! This fruit comes in a round form and its shell is purple in color. There are several types that vary in size and color. Purple and yellow varieties are the most commonly available.

Passion fruit contains a soft pulp and many small seeds that are edible. Indeed people can eat the seeds and pulp, squeeze them into juice or add them to other juices. The flavor of passion fruit is sparkling and excites the taste buds!
Passion fruit is a fruit with a healthy nutritional profile and many health benefits. in particular, it is a rich source of antioxidants and fiber.
Some research suggests that a compound found in passion fruit seeds could improve a person’s insulin sensitivity. Improving insulin sensitivity can help reduce the risk of many diseases, including diabetes.
Passion fruit preparation
To eat a raw passion fruit, cut it in half and use a spoon to remove the pulp from the bark. The crust is not edible. People can eat both the seeds and the pulp, or just the pulp.
The seeds can be removed by squeezing the pulp through a strainer or cheesecloth and the juice can be used in different ways, such as:
- Mix with water and sugar to make a drink
- Add the juice to other fruit juices, such as orange or pineapple
- Add the juice to the yogurt with other fruits
- boil in a syrup that a person can turn into many other things, such as sauces or desserts
- make a jelly or jam out of it

Passion fruit doesn’t respond well to heat conservation and canning, but people can freeze it for later use of one of Vietnam’s 10 exotic fruits.
Sometimes referred to as “The King of Fruits”, mango is one of the most popular and nutritious fruits with a unique flavor, fragrance, taste, and health qualities.
Among the 10 exotic fruits of Vietnam, it is one of the delicious seasonal fruits grown in the tropics. Botanically, this exotic fruit belongs to the Anacardiaceae family, a family that also includes many species of tropical fruit trees such as cashew or pistachio.
Each fruit is 5-15 cm long and about 4-10 cm wide, and has a typical “mango” shape, sometimes oval or round. Its weight varies from 150 g to about 750 g.

The outer skin is smooth and green in unripe mangoes. But turns in ripe fruits into golden yellow, crimson red, yellow or orange red depending on the type of crop. The fresh mango season lasts from April to August.
A mango is rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds, so it is a very beneficial fruit for health.
Preparation of mango
To enjoy a mango, wash it with cold running water to remove dust, dirt. Wipe its outer skin with a soft cloth. Mango should be eaten alone without any seasoning to better discover its rich flavor.
Cut the fruit lengthwise into three pieces so that the middle part consisting of a large seed is removed. Then cut the skin to separate the skin from the pulp. Chop the pulp into desired sections.

We also call the longan, the eye of the dragon! this one is also very close to the Litchi. By observing its appearance we better understand why!

This fruit presents itself as an enveloped eye. So in the form of a small ball with a fairly thin shell easy to remove. It hardens as it ages. The taste of this small round, sweet and watery fruit that looks a lot like the fruit of lychee.
When it is young and fresh, you can peel the skin to obtain a translucent, white and watery pulp encompassing a large black seed.
The seeds can also be used to obtain essential oils.
Longan fruits are highly valued for their medicinal benefits. These fresh, delicious and sweet longans have a lot of health benefits. This fruit helps to preserve the health of the heart. It allows you to lose weight and preserves you from certain cancers.
Here you know more about the 10 exotic fruits of Vietnam. All you have to do is come to our country to taste these fruits in the freshest way! Check out our tours here to taste the 10 exotic fruits of Vietnam!