When to travel in Vietnam? Best season in Vietnam ?
Vietnam has a very varied climate because its territory extended on many latitudes is spread out in varied altitudes on approximately 2500 kms from North to South. When one region is humid, cold or rainy, there is always another pleasantly sunny one. That’s why, we can honestly say that there is no real or best season to visit all of Vietnam. We can still find an ideal period according to your travel expectations. For example, if you prefer cultural tours of Vietnam, you will travel without problem at any time of the year, but with preference for those from March to May and from September to December . If you prefer to go to the seaside, it is better to avoid the stormy season in the Center of the country, from October to December , therefore opting for the beaches of the South.

What is the best season in Vietnam?
Generally, November seems to us the best season to visit all of Vietnam and enjoy doing as much as possible.
During this period, the stifling heat (sometimes up to 42°C) of summer in the North is over while the terrible cold (below 10°C) has not yet arrived, in the mountains as in Sapa , Mau Son, or it can be cold (up to 5°C) but it is really occasional. It does not rain much because it is already the dry season.
For the South, November is also a very pleasant period when the big heat has disappeared, even if it is a bit hot for Europeans (25-30°C).
As for the Center, it is the opposite. It is really the worst period for this region with incessant rains, risk of typhoons and often floods.
Basically, there are good and bad times to visit Vietnam, but there is always a time that allows you to visit Vietnam according to your desires.