Dear Mr Bau,
We are already back in Brittany at the end of February under a grey and humid sky! You told me on the phone when I first contacted you that you wanted to make me love your country…objective was reached and even exceeded!
dear Mr Bau !!! We spent three extraordinary weeks thanks to the good care of your staff. The alternation of nights in the homes of local people and nights in the hotel was well thought out. The trips were perfect, the drivers and guides are really nice people, efficient and were always listening to us. We were in contact with authentic Vietnam as you predicted. I still remember many amusing or moving details… I am not ready to forget this trip. We were always accompanied by your attention. We feel that you have real know-how as we say here! Continue in this way, do not change anything. Don’t lose your good mood and your smile. We will warmly recommend you to our friends and to all those who wish to discover the true face of this so endearing country.
Thank you for offering us wonderful memories of Vietnam.
Good luck to you all.
Alain CADIC,