Home Testimonials Nos témoignages J Guillemette et groupe

J Guillemette et groupe


it is with great pleasure that I read your email

we are well back in France, where we have found the winter chill, we have started to sort out our numerous photos but it’s not finished yet

we want to thank you for the kindness and the devotion of your guides and drivers

We would like to thank you for the kindness and dedication of your guides and drivers, who were really great, especially THANH in Sapa and the driver in the North East, who were really devoted and very helpful

a big thank you also to our hosts in the Mekong delta who was really caring and very devoted

the only small downside would be the cold reception from the hosts near BA BE (they were in the middle of work!!!)

I look forward to seeing you again

J Guillemette

J Guillemette et groupe

J Guillemette et groupe

(group 4 people )

See also:


It is with great pleasure that I receive your email, I feel like I am…

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