Home Testimonials Nos témoignages Madame CHABIROND Caroline

Madame CHABIROND Caroline

Hello to all your team,

I am very happy to hear from you and thank you for the photos of Simon’s birthday.

I was very happy with our trip.

I was able to give Quyn our first questionnaire of appreciation and I will send you the two that I did not have time to give to our two guides Dipt (sorry for the spelling of his name) and to MArgueritte because both times Simon was ill during our separations which upset the course of things a bit.

Nevertheless, I would like to thank you and our two guides for your support in these moments which were not easy to manage if I had been alone.

I obviously want to keep in touch with you and I think I will come back to Vietnam where the emotions, the encounters, the places we went and the people who welcomed us will remain in my memory and in our hearts.

A special thanks also to the hotel staff in Hoi an, Nha Trang and Saigon.

My best wishes to Quyn and our friendly driver and to MArgueritte.

See you soon I hope

Best wishes

Caroline and Simon

Madame CHABIROND Caroline

(group 2 people )

See also:

M. Garcia CYRIL

Hello The return went well thank you. Vietnam is an extraordinary country full of riches…

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