Home Testimonials Nos témoignages Mrs Josette Dufour and group

Mrs Josette Dufour and group


Came back tired of the return but delighted with the stay. I have travelled a lot and quite frankly Asia is my favourite destination. But this trip was exceptional both because of your program, and also because of Hiep that we would all have wanted like a son. He is a super-intelligent and educated boy but also of unusual kindness. Throughout these 14 days, he was perfect. We were very sad to leave him. He will remain in our hearts. We were also very surprised by your warm welcome at the agency and I was very happy to know you. As for the VietNam of the north, it is the most wonderful destination. What a beautiful country!! We also really liked the meeting of the inhabitants. I will send you pictures but for now, my friends have gone home and I do not have the USB key yet. Waiting to send them to you, I send you my friendly thoughts

Already I distribute your documentation and I put on Facebook the comments on our trip in the hope of making other friends want to go to your house.

Mrs Josette Dufour and group

(group 08 people )

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Hello Here is some news after this great trip. We are satisfied with this trip,…

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You probably are not familiar with the notion of a tailor-made trip, so in order to better …

Our answer is “yes”, it is quite feasible, but a tailor-made trip…

Since its foundation, with 14 years of experience, HORIZON VIETNAM Travel …

HORIZON VIETNAM Travel is a local travel agency in Vietnam, Cambodia, …

Since the birth of our company, we have organized thousands of trips which have had

We have several regional field offices in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Burma …

voyage responsable - horizon vietnam travel

Responsible and solidarity travel in Vietnam. All the concepts: solidarity travel, …


HORIZON VIETNAM Travel is a local travel agency based in Hanoi and approved


We have a special license for the organization of international trips which ensures that …

The general conditions of sale governing the relationship between travel agencies and …