Mme. Valérie Pitis

Hello to the whole Horizon Vietnam team

We wanted to thank you for your excellent organization thanks to which we made a wonderful journey during which we made wonderful cultural and human discoveries.

We highly appreciated your organization and your support, the seriousness and caution of the drivers and the quality of the guides.

We will not fail to warmly recommend you to our entourage and naturally call on you again during a future trip to Southeast Asia.

We thank you for the photo you sent us that brings back such beautiful memories and attach in return a photo of our great trip!

Sincerely Valerie and Italo Pitis

Sent from my Huawei mobile

Mme. Valérie Pitis

(group 02 people )

See also:

About us:

qu'est qu'un voyage sur mesure

You probably are not familiar with the notion of a tailor-made trip, so in order to better …

Our answer is “yes”, it is quite feasible, but a tailor-made trip…

Since its foundation, with 14 years of experience, HORIZON VIETNAM Travel …

HORIZON VIETNAM Travel is a local travel agency in Vietnam, Cambodia, …

Since the birth of our company, we have organized thousands of trips which have had

We have several regional field offices in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Burma …

voyage responsable - horizon vietnam travel

Responsible and solidarity travel in Vietnam. All the concepts: solidarity travel, …


HORIZON VIETNAM Travel is a local travel agency based in Hanoi and approved


We have a special license for the organization of international trips which ensures that …

The general conditions of sale governing the relationship between travel agencies and …