Dear Mrs Nguyen,
After the tour in the delta, which left us with very nice memories (we really appreciated your guidance and found the accommodation in the homes of local people very nice!), we had a very pleasant stay in Phu Quoc.
One regret: we wanted to rent a motorbike to be able to move around the island…this was not possible; indeed, 2 weeks before our arrival, a Russian tourist caused a fatal accident on his motorbike, under the influence of alcohol. As a result, the police banned all foreign tourists from renting motorbikes…So we were not free to explore the island as we would have liked.
We are now in Thailand: after 10 days in the north, we leave again tomorrow for Bangkok, then back to France on 23…. time flies!
We will sort out our photos once we are back home, and we will not fail to send you one of our group.
Yours sincerely.
Chantal Riera