Home Testimonials Nos témoignages Madame Nathalie Favareille

Madame Nathalie Favareille

Dear Mrs Tran Pham,

I hope you are doing well.

Here I am back in Paris since Sunday where I fight against the cold! Emoji

As I have been able to tell you on a few occasions, this trip to Cambodia went very well and I would like to thank you again for your efficient and reliable organization.

I had wonderful, unforgettable, poignant and moving moments too, it was very informative for me. All my senses were put to use: I saw, felt, tasted, touched, and heard … I didn’t have time to get bored for a second.

The 3 guides Saroon, Prune and Sambath (excuse me if the spelling is not good!) and the drivers Mr. Khem and Mr. Kear that I had on-site are very competent and professional people, passionate too and I wish you pass this message to them because it is important for me that they know it. I really enjoyed their company, everyone was always present and made sure that everything went well. The program was busy and some days were a little busier than others so sometimes wanting to do well on their part gave a rhythm a little difficult to support but it was really for the best in the end.

Looking back, I realize that I would have liked to have a very small guided tour for each city where I stayed after Phnom Penh, just to see a little better the city centre and have more historical information, especially in Siem Reap and Battambang but otherwise, the choice of hotels and restaurants was optimal.

So another big thank you to you and your teams! Emoji

I wish you a good continuation and hope to leave with you to a new destination in the near future.


natalie favareille

Madame Nathalie Favareille

(group 01 people )

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