Home Testimonials Nos témoignages Monsieur Guy LANNUZEL

Monsieur Guy LANNUZEL


First of all, I apologise for the delay in replying to you, but we only got back from Singapore on the 10th of March and since then we have had our two little girls for 8 days (parents in winter sports!)

I enclose the questionnaire I filled in (5 scan files; let me know if you can’t read them)
As indicated at the end of the questionnaire, I would very much like to have the email addresses of the different guides to send them photos taken with them, and in particular that of the guide Ninh Bin and Tam Coc (the third one who accompanied us in the northern sector) so that we can send him the photos taken with the retired senior officer of the Vietnamese army but also with the parents of the guide during the dinner at their home.

When I see my photos, I will send you a photo. If I have any other requests, I will contact you.

Thank you very much for the perfect organisation of this trip which delighted us.

If you have any suggestions for tours in Cambodia, Laos and Thailand in the spring of 2015, they would be most welcome.

Yours sincerely


mr.guy lannuzel

Monsieur Guy LANNUZEL

(group people )

See also:

Monsieur Dandois

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